When researching birthday party ideas for girls, you need to consider carefully the age and interests of your daughter. In the teenage years, this is a particularly difficult because your little girl is growing up and you may feel that she has outgrown birthday parties and playing dress up. Get ready because almost all the birthday party ideas for girls that you suggest may be received with a sigh and a rolling of the eyes, but there is a way that you can find the perfect birthday party for your teenage daughter.

1. The Makeover Party:
This is one of those birthday party ideas for girls that hit the mark every time for young teenage girls. I am sure if you think hard enough you will know somebody who sells Mary Kay, Avon or similar make up products, and you can hire them in to create a wonderful make up party. This can include lessons on how to apply make-up, facials, and skin care tips. You can even go further, and hire a hairdresser to come and create the perfect teenage girl makeover! Do not forget your video camera to keep a record of this event forever.
2. Superheroes and Villains
This is another great theme for a birthday party. Ask your daughter's friends to attend the party as their favorite superhero or villain. Send out invites that read, if you could be any superhero or meddling villain for a day, who would you be. Ensure that you send out the invites at least a couple of days in advance. The decor of the party venue should reflect the theme with cutouts of superheros and menacing villains in place. While planning the menu, name them according to popular events from comic books. The party is sure to be a grand success.
3. The Hollywood Party:
You can have your very own Hollywood premiere in your own home. Ask the girls to dress up in formal wear, set up a projector in your home on a big screen, produce lots of party food and drink and you can turn your home into an elite cinema. Grab the video camera and turn dad into a television interviewer, so the girls can pretend that they are TV or movie stars for a few hours. This is one of the birthday party ideas for girls that can create long-lasting and really fun memories.
4. Awards Night
Which teenage girl has not dreamed of walking down the red carpet wearing a lovely gown? Make your daughter's dreams come true by hosting a party themed to resemble an awards night. Send out invitations in the form of VIP passes personalized with their names typed on them. Specify the dress code as Black tie formal. Use decorations in colors like black, white, red, gold, and other colors that are synonymous with elegant events like the Oscars. Give the decor a more authentic look by renting small Oscar statues and using them as table centerpieces. Arrange for a red carpet for the guests to walk on and standees of stars for them to get photos clicked with.