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1. Failed: This type of action hero also known as a person, to go out and love your hands busy. He is walking, running or in the garden loves fishing. It describes your man, equipment, gifts, sporting goods, and I think of all kinds of outdoor gear.
2. Thinker: a book all the time or the computer that a working man's nose looks. You probably have one or more university degree and now and then likes to see independent films. The man, the last novel or non-fiction best-selling book or DVD set of a condition. Also, try playing software.
3. Aficionado: curious, good food, fine wines and sophisticated music lovers. He is a man of refined taste. If this is your man, what a gourmet cook book or CD set of Bach or Mozart's greatest hits? Get a gift that appeals to the sense of taste and style.
4. Gambler: gambler, to play poker with the guys to go and look for games like horse racing. In the game runs in your veins. Therefore, a series of casino-grade poker blackjack, or in a book how to win?
5. tinkerer: tinkerer thing, electronic, mechanical or electrical preferred to play with. He is doing things right or things apart to see how they work for love. If this is your man, get him a gadget or device. Electronic components and equipment is very good!